In 2012 at age 32 I fell 30 ft while renovating Madison Square Garden in NYC and broke my back. Doctors said I may not ever live an active lifestyle again. Two spine surgeries later and a whole lot of prayer and faith and we are back in the woods livin life. Don't give up, don't ever give up! |
My father introduced me to hunting at an early age & I shot my first deer (Columbia Blacktail) at age 12. I've enjoyed the outdoors & hunting ever since. I'm a retired Marine MGySgt. &have worked with the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks the last 20 yrs. "Semper Fi" E-mail the new / revised version to |
My father introduced me to hunting at an early age & I shot my first deer (Columbia Blacktail) at age 12. I've enjoyed the outdoors & hunting ever since. I'm a retired Marine MGySgt. & have worked with the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks the last 20 yrs. "Semper Fi" |
I am a lifelong hunter. I live in Utah which is 100% Mule Deer country. However, over the last several years I have enjoyed the challenge and adventure of whitetail hunting in different states. Every hunting trip is a new adventure. My Whitetail Slam mission completed October 2024. |
I was born and raised in NW. Oregon and mostly hunt Columbian Blacktail deer, we don't have whitetail here. I've taken some trips around the United States to try to collect the different sub species of whitetail. I completed my Whitetail Slam in upstate New York in 2019. |
By the grace of God I have completed something that I had set out to do several years ago. But I have tried to sit back and really appreciate how it was accomplished. It if were not for the great guys that helped me in their states this would have never been possible. This was a total team effort from my supportive wife down to the guides, People that gave me way points, and friends that let me hunt their farms. I have finally completed the Ultimate Slam. Thank you, guys, for all your help, and I can personally say it has been an honor to share camp with each of you, and I look forward to our next adventures together. |
By the grace of God I have completed something that I had set out to do several years ago. But I have tried to sit back and really appreciate how it was accomplished. It if were not for the great guys that helped me in their states this would have never been possible. This was a total team effort from my supportive wife down to the guides, People that gave me way points, and friends that let me hunt their farms. I have finally completed the Ultimate Slam. Thank you, guys, for all your help, and I can personally say it has been an honor to share camp with each of you, and I look forward to our next adventures together. E-mail the new / revised version to |
I got my deer hunting start with a family friend. A woman and her son who was my age. Since that first year I have liked traveling around to different places to hunt deer. I am very excited to finish my Whitetail Slam. |
"I have been hunting whitetail deer for more than 50 years. I really enjoy the calmness of the outdoors and the peace of mind it brings every time I step into the whitetail woods. The Whitetail Slam journey has been extra special to me as I was able to share each of the four hunts with the oldest of my two sons. I encourage everyone to spend as much time outdoors as possible especially if the time can be shared with family." |
Long time Pennsylvania stump jumper! I started at 3 years old by pushing whitetails to my Grand Uncle Sam. Great shot he was. One more animal needed for my North American Super Slam. Keeping my fingers crossed for a tag! |
My obsession with Whitetail deer started at a young age in the mountains of Southwest Virginia. I grew up hunting with my dad and brothers and started a guide service there later in life. I now live In Southeastern Missouri where I guide Whitetail hunts. To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
OUR FIRST MEMBER TO COMPLETE A SECOND ULTIMATE WHITETAIL SLAM . Bill says, I started hunting doves in Maryland at 11 years old on my Grandfathers farm. My first deer hunting experience started with my brother taking me to Pennsylvania when I was a sophmore in college at The Citadel, where I was on the rifle team. I used to hunt on my fathers farm in Chesapeake City, Maryland. I hunted geese and ducks that would come into our fields and pond. I started hunting deer again around 37 years old and over the next 40 plus years I continued to deer hunt. |
ULTIMATE WHITETAIL SLAMMER William Brewer's Second Whitetail Slam. I started hunting doves in Maryland at 11 years old on my Grandfathers farm. My first deer hunting experience started with my brother taking me to Pennsylvania when I was a sophmore in college at The Citadel, where I was on the rifle team. I used to hunt on my fathers farm in Chesapeake City, Maryland. I hunted geese and ducks that would come into our fields and pond. I started hunting deer again around 37 years old and over the next 20 plus years I had shot many deer... |
Chuck Busby has been blessed to have had the opportunity to hunt Whitetail Deer in Canada, Mexico, Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Texas. It took him 47 years to realize the Ultimate Slam. Chuck's pursuit of The Ultimate Slam was complete with the harvest of a Seminole Buck in 2021. However, the most challenging Buck was the Coues Buck he was able to harvest with a crossbow also in 2021. Chuck has harvested enough of the various subspecies (at least one from four of Whitetail Deer sub species) to have registered four different Whitetail Slams. Chuck has with a compound bow four of the five color phases of the Black Bear (Black, Chocolate, Cinamon and Red). Chuck lacks the Blonde color to have all five of the phases. Chuck has many more yesterdays than tomorrows. He will continue to hunt as long as God gives him the ability, opportunity, health and privilege. Chuck emphatically states that he achieved The Ultimate Slam via the grace of his Lord and Savior. |
Chuck Busby has been blessed to have had the opportunity to hunt Whitetail Deer in Canada, Mexico, Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Texas. It took him 47 years to realize the Ultimate Slam. Chuck's pursuit of The Ultimate Slam was complete with the harvest of a Seminole Buck in 2021. However, the most challenging Buck was the Coues Buck he was able to harvest with a crossbow also in 2021. Chuck has harvested enough of the various subspecies (at least one from four of Whitetail Deer sub species) to have registered four different Whitetail Slams. Chuck has with a compound bow four of the five color phases of the Black Bear (Black, Chocolate, Cinamon and Red). Chuck lacks the Blonde color to have all five of the phases. Chuck has many more yesterdays than tomorrows. He will continue to hunt as long as God gives him the ability, opportunity, health and privilege. Chuck emphatically states that he achieved The Ultimate Slam via the grace of his Lord and Savior. |
I grew up in the 60's & 70's hunting whitetails in the big woods of Vermont. My dad shot a running buck when I was about five years-old ... off hand – I can still see it all in my mind. I chased bucks in Vt. until I joined the service. After 6 yrs. of service I moved to Alaska to pursue big game hunting. From there I moved to the midwest and have been fortunate to hunt most of the country. My biggest hunting achievement to date has been introducing my children to deer hunting, of that, the pinnacle came one Iowa deer season when my 10 year-old son was by my side when I shot a running buck hand. That buck is the 170B&C drop-tine buck I submitted to WTS. Achieving the whitetail slam and hopefully the Ultimate Whitetail slam someday will not only be an achievement for myself but for my family and all of the whitetail deer hunting community. Best regards in hunting, Ray Grover Jr. |
I have met wonderful people and seen glorious sites that are Gods fingerprints on this earth. I have a super supportive wife who loves to hunt and fish. I have awesome daughters who will hunt and fish with me when they are not busy with friends and a God that blesses me every single day by loving me and for allowing his son Jesus Christ to save me for my sins. I am a truly blessed man... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
I have met wonderful people and seen glorious sites that are Gods fingerprints on this earth. I have a super supportive wife who loves to hunt and fish. I have awesome daughters who will hunt and fish with me when they are not busy with friends and a God that blesses me every single day by loving me and for allowing his son Jesus Christ to save me for my sins. I am a truly blessed man... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
I consider myself very fortunate to have grown up in a hunting family. My father and grandfather were avid hunters and instilled in me, a lifelong passion for the outdoors that continues to this day. I began hunting at a very early age and after many failed attempts, I finally harvested my first deer at the age of 10. I have been very blessed in my life to have traveled to multiple regions in North America in pursuit of big game. My goal in life as a hunter is to pass on my love for the outdoors to my children so that they may carry on our family's tradition of the outdoor pursuit. |
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I have been blessed to make a lot of friends and have the opportunity to hunt various states while traveling for work. Try to make the best out of bad situations and capitalize on every opportunity... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
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"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night because brave men stand ready to do violence on their behalf" ~ Orwell I've been hunting Whitetails with my grandfather in Pennsylvania since I was 12 years old. I harvested my first whitetail, a doe, when I was 13. It was a 300 yard shot, running! I dropped her with 1 shot, and I was hooked ever since! I missed many seasons while I was serving in the US Army. While deployed, I would often take my leave around deer season, so I could try and hunt. In 2014, I was medically retired from the Army due to injuries I received in combat in Afghanistan. I was told I would be lucky if I ever walked again. I used hunting as my motivation and drive. A Few short years later, I was back in the tree stand! I have since started a non-profit called Ultimate Veteran Adventures. We take veterans on all expense paid hunting and fishing trips around the country. It's my way of continuing to serve, and give back. I've been extremely fortunate to be able to travel the country on different hunting trips, and I truly owe my life to hunting and the outdoors! |
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I'm lucky to now have 6 ARCHERY WHITETAIL SLAMS. I usually bowhunt just deer and turkey. I've been videoing and self videoing for the last several years. All 24 of my whitetail slam bucks were bow harvests and 13 were self videoed. All 4 of my 3rd and 4th ARCHERY WHITETAIL SLAMS were self videoed bow harvests & also all 4 of these last bow slam buck entries was taken in the 2017 deer season... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
Retired Command Sergeant Major, TenPoint Pro Staff. I didn't start hunting big game until adulthood and always Whitetail as it is the dominant game animal here in Virginia. Since 2007 I've been working on a personal "bucket list". During this time, I've taken 17 different big game animals in North America and New Zealand. Only after a Coues deer hunt this past fall did I contemplate the Whitetail Slam, more as a legacy item for my children and grandchildren but certainly a personal milestone that I'm extremely proud of! |
Roger Raglin is one of the most recognized names in the hunting industry. His TV Show Roger Raglin Outdoors has been on the Outdoor Channel for 15 years. He is the Producer of over 60 full featured hunting entertainment videos, making him one of the prolific Producers of all time. He won 3 Golden Moose Fan Favorite Awards in 1 year, and was inducted into the National Outdoor Sports Hall of Fame in 2011. |
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I grew up in Stone Harbor, New Jersey and started Marlin fishing with my uncle when I was 9 years old. I have been gut hooked ever since. After high school I went to North Carolina to taxidermy school. Once I graduated I returned home to complete Maritime training school to get my Captians license while working on my uncle's lobster boat. I'm a professional fisherman and professional hunter... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
I started hunting doves in Maryland at 11 years old on my Grandfathers farm. My first deer hunting experience started with my brother taking me to Pennsylvania when I was a sophmore in college at The Citadel, where I was on the rifle team. I used to hunt on my fathers farm in Chesapeake City, Maryland. I hunted geese and ducks that would come into our fields and pond. I started hunting deer again around 37 years old and over the next 20 plus years I had shot many deer... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
Made my living in the outdoor industry as a guide, outfitter and taxidermist (since 1966). Spent 6 months working hunt camps in Africa. I currently guide professionally for Oseola turkeys and gators... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
I have been chasing whitetails with a stick and string for 30 years now and enjoy nothing more than the "one on one" chase with a specific dominant buck. Hunting whitetails is in my blood, it's an ongoing quest and a way of life for me and I will complete the whitetail slam before its over! I'm also gonna catch and surpass Mr. Potts too, lookout "Grizzled Gray"!... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
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All my life I have been and still am an avid hunter (wife claims fanatical ). I started with hunting small game at an early age (thanks to my Dad) and continue to enjoy all areas of hunting... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
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I've deer hunted for 33 years and bow hunted for 28 of it. I enjoy the bow hunting more now then earlier on and love spending time with my wife and sons and watch them grow in the sport... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
Chad SAVAGE Lenz has been a guide since the early 1990's, a career that came not only as second nature to him, but a natural progression, as he had always taken friends and family on hunting and travel adventures...Chad has 2 Slams of whitetails.. an archery slam and firearm slam.. To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
In our rather stupid time, hunting is belittled and misunderstood, many refusing to see it for the vital vacation from the human condition that it is, or to acknowledge that the hunter does not hunt in order to kill; on the contrary, he kills in order to have hunted... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
Cory's been a bowhunter since age 8.After shooting anything that moved for a while,he began hunting whitetails at age11 ,it was 1985.As years went by and Cory was learning to master the art of bowhunting,his whitetail harvests began to soar!! ... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
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I became interested in the outdoors at a very young age. My grandpa ,dad and uncles taught me to deer hunt. I now live to hunt whitetails. I currently am part of a great film team. I travel to different states each year hunting new areas and meeting new friends each season. I look forward to each new hunt and every new area we hunt... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
My wife says I have an unhealthy obsession for bow hunting... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
Our family moved to Wyoming in 1994 and a whole new world was opened up to me. I went on my first whitetail deer hunt in Nebraska in 1995 and I have been hooked ever since... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
Bachelor of Wildlife Science, VA Tech 1997. Ist Whitetail buck harvested at age 10 in VA. 7 years professional videography experience in the outdoor industry. 18 Whitetail bucks taken from several states on video. 3 Gross Boone. Co-Host of the Legends Of The Fall... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
Started hunting at the young age of 8, harvesting my first animal (hog) with rifle. I knew the feeling i had than it was something i was going to enjoy for years to come and introduce this beautiful sport to my future kids as my dad did to me... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
Nothing better than family, good friends and great hunting buddies... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
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I have been fortunate enough to have been hunting since I could fit in a backpack. I contribute the majority of my hunting success to my father and grandfather. I am still fortunate enough to hunt with my father today. These cherished memories or more rewarding to me than the harvest... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
The last 45 years has been a great ride and I hope I'am just getting started.From the many Whitetail hunts to South Africa and in between I have been blessed... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
Hunting and the outdoors is my true passion. I've been hunting since age five, when my dad, uncles, and cousins would drag me through the briar patches throughout southwest PA chasing cottontails! Yep, I was the "dog". All I ever wanted to do was hunt and hunt everything. Growing up in PA, whitetails have always been my holy grail... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
Joe started hunting at a very young age and was lucky/fortunate/blessed to grow up in a hunting family. His father cultivated Joe's love for the outdoors and helped him take his first whitetail at only five years old. Joe gave up the rifle when he was 15 and started bow hunting full time on his own... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
Many years ago when I first got started in hunting I met an "old time hunter" who told me "You have a bad disease"! I have the bug real bad and now have hunted all over the world. If I had to "catch something" this was a great disease!... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
I've been hunting about 50 years and have hunted in 14 states, Mexico, Canada, Africa and New Zealand. I especially love hunting whitetails on my farm in Missouri. I've been practicing Quality Deer Management for 18 years and the quality of my deer herd has definitely improved. I'm Chairman of the Board of Big Game Hunters Inc in St.Louis, the oldest hunting club west of the Mississippi, and on the Pro Staff of Heartland Hunters... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
A hunter goes to the woods to get lost... But knows exactly where he is... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
Range Land Manager* Chief Planner for Hunting Land Consultants* Outdoor Writter* Author of The Whitetail Hunter's Blueprint... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
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Whitetails are my passion... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
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In the last 48 years, I have travelled to South Africa, 4 Canadian Provinces and 14 different States including Alaska in the pursuit of game. The Whitetail Deer still remains at the "top of my list" as being the most challenging and highly respected game animal... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
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I am a High School Earth Space Science Teacher who loves the outdoors. I love to shoot and hunt with a bow. I have hunted my whole life as a family! I have completed my Slam with a Southeastern rifle kill along with three bow kills in the Seminole, Northern Woodland, and a South-Central Plains regions... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
I owe everything I have experienced to the one man who took the time to introduce me to the outdoors. I remember all the sacrafices, teachings and patience my father passed on to me. I pledge to pass on what I have learned to those around me and my own kids, so that they too can have the incredible life I have been fortunate enough to live!... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
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Just love to hunt... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
Started bow hunting in 1966. Hunted with a bow only since 1974. My wife Vicki and I owned and operated an archery shop for 20 years. We now are on an adventure to take a whitetail in all 45 states that have a stable heard... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
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Stan Potts has hunted for over 40 years, harvesting numerous whitetail, 4 of which are 200-class bucks. Stan hunts 100% wild whitetails on public and private property and is well known for his expertise in treestand placement, decoying and patterning big mature bucks. When not in pursuit of whitetails Stan loves hunting elk, moose, grizzlies, mule deer, antelope and turkeys... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
Unlike most deer hunters.No one in my family hunted, so I got a late start at the age of 24 and loved it.Once having success locally,I was interested in going to different parts of the country.THAT really got me fired up about taking bigger and better deer.From Texas to Sakatchewan Canada,Now the midwest...To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
I'm an avid bow hunter. I Love hunting in my home state of Louisiana and going on my annual trip to West Central Illinois. My biggest deer to date is this 187 3/8 12-point Monarch I harvested on November 10, 2013 in Fulton County Illinois. My Whitetail Slam includes the Northern Woodlands Whitetail, Southeastern Whitetail, Gulf Coast Whitetail, and South Central Plains Whitetail... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
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I like so many others grew up in a hunting state and had a father who enjoyed deer hunting. As I trampled around the big woods of northern Michigan, I discovered the time being in nature and the trill of trying to outsmart extremely smart game was a challenge I truly enjoyed. With every passing year it became apparent that I looked forward to it more each year. This hobby has grown into a passion and one that will stay with me forever... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
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Television producer, host, trapper and adventure bowhunter Tom Miranda is no stranger to outdoorsmen. In the mid 1980's Miranda gained notoriety as a professional trapper who offered trapping lessons on VHS video. Miranda was a pilot and used his small airplane to operate his trapline, a novelty that made his video instructions popular. |
If the world has you on you're knees. You're in the perfect position to PRAY... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
I am an avid whitetail hunter an whitetail fanatic. I have loved hunting the whitetail deer since I was in my teens. I have been fortunate an God has allowed me to have hunted whitetails in several states. I am also Regional Director for Buckmasters Trophy Records (BTR) an have been scoring for buckmasters for 18 yrs... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |
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"I'm a physician from Erie, PA that has been hunting since I was a kid. Enjoy all manner of hunting gun, archery and muzzleloader. Future adventures include the Whitetail Slam, a black bear and maybe back to Africa some day." To add or update your profile....E-mail the new / revised version to |

I began hunting Whitetail in Michigan at 12 yrs old and have been fortunate enough to harvest a buck in 5 different states so far - Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. I'm looking forward to the adventures that lay ahead as I continue to add to that and complete my Whitetail Slam. |

In 2012 at age 32 I fell 30 ft while renovating Madison Square Garden in NYC and broke my back. Doctors said I may not ever live an active lifestyle again. Two spine surgeries later and a whole lot of prayer and faith and we are back in the woods livin life. Don't give up, don't ever give up! |

Hunting and fishing have been a big part of my life. I have had the opportunity to hunt all over South Carolina but mainly have stayed in the upstate. I have hunted Ohio a few times, but now I'm looking forward to a new challenge of achieving the Whitetail Slam. To add or update your profile....E-mail the new / revised version to |

I was born and raised in west Michigan. I started off bow hunting in Michigan only and since 2016 have made a point to travel the country hunting public land for whitetails.I look forward to diving into public land in a new state every year and trying to figure them out. |

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I was born and raised in NW Oregon and mostly hunt Columbian Blacktail deer, we don't have whitetail here. I've taken some trips around the United States to try to collect the different sub species of whitetail. Five down and three to go if I want to get all eight! I finished my Whitetail Slam in November 2019. |

Family man and Christian in his 50s living in south central Texas. Grew up playing sports and fishing. Interest in hunting started in my 20s. Learned to hunt by just doing it, talking to others with more experience, and my own research from reputable sources. The learning never ends. In addition, I enjoy teaching Hunter Safety as a TPWD Hunter Education Instructor since 2012. Last but not least, I enjoy trapping feral hogs and raccoons in the off season. |

I am 62 years old and from a young age I have trapped and had a passion for hunting. I have most likely killed over 100 Whitetail Bucks & I am looking forward to completing the Whitetail Slam. E-mail the new / revised version to |

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I grew up hunting deer in South Louisiana with my dad, uncles and brothers. As I got older, I started bow hunting and started hunting in Illinois and Missouri where the deer are much larger and more plentiful. I also introduced my sons and son-in-law to hunting out of state and we enjoy our trips each year to hunt these deer. We feel blessed when we can harvest one of these magnificent animals. I look forward to being able to achieve the "Whitetail Slam". To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

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I grew up in the 60's & 70's hunting whitetails in the big woods of Vermont. My dad shot a running buck when I was about five years-old ... off hand – I can still see it all in my mind. I chased bucks in Vt. until I joined the service. After 6 yrs. of service I moved to Alaska to pursue big game hunting. From there I moved to the midwest and have been fortunate to hunt most of the country. My biggest hunting achievement to date has been introducing my children to deer hunting, of that, the pinnacle came one Iowa deer season when my 10 year-old son was by my side when I shot a running buck hand. That buck is the 170B&C drop-tine buck I submitted to WTS. Achieving the whitetail slam and hopefully the Ultimate Whitetail slam someday will not only be an achievement for myself but for my family and all of the whitetail deer hunting community. Best regards in hunting, Ray Grover Jr. |

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I was born in Wisconsin and am a US Army Veteran. I spent my early years surrounded by a hunting culture but moved to California for high school and missed my Midwest upbringing. I joined the Army right out of high school and did not have much hunting for the next 12 years. When I got off active duty and returned to Wisconsin 28 years ago, I began hunting and developed my love of nature. I shoot sporting events, hunt upland birds and waterfowl, have hunted other big game but my passion is for deer hunting. I believe that every animal we are blessed to harvest is a trophy and am very glad to be working to complete my first whitetail slam. |

I was born and raised in North Texas and have been involved in hunting my entire life. I love everything about hunting and it's just part of who I am. I have been Bowhunting for 27 years and finally joined the 200" club in 2018 with a 233" non typical whitetail. The Whitetail Slam is a goal and a challenge for me so I can't wait to get back out there and see what the future holds! |

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I've been chasing whitetails since I was 12 years old and I don't plan on slowing down anytime soon. Bow hunting is my passion, and I'm fortunate enough to have a great group of friends that share the same passion that go on out of state bow hunting trips with me and allow me to hunt their beautiful hardwood Wisco properties. |

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Avid deer hunter looking to achieve the Whitetail Slam... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

"I grew up in the UP of Michigan in a family of hunters and spent a lot of time fishing. My husband and I live in Northern Wisconsin and spend most of our free time hunting and fishing together for as many different species as possible. I would love to hunt in every state and someday internationally. I also have a huge passion for encouraging women to hunt, fish and enjoy the outdoors." |

I've been hunting whitetail since I was 14 years old. Not one day goes by that I don't think of how I can travel or find a way to a remote untouched area and harvest a buck. |

Second generation bow hunter.... Lake County, Illinois. I'm fortunate to have supportive friends who allow me to hunt their beautiful properties with my boys who share my passion for bow hunting Whitetail deer. #archeryonly #bowhuntingillinoiswhitetails |

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I was born in Oklahoma and grew up mainly in Texas due to my father being US Army . I was taught to hunt and fish by my Father and Grandfather, started hunting Whitetail Deer at the age of 14 in Central Texas . I've hunted Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Alabama and New Mexico while moving around as a youth and adult . So far I have been lucky enough to take bucks in two of the Whitetail Slam territories and hope to get a chance at a desert Coues next year. |

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In the last 48 years, I have travelled to South Africa, 4 Canadian Provinces and 14 different States including Alaska in the pursuit of game. The Whitetail Deer still remains at the "top of my list" as being the most challenging and highly respected game animal... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

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I grew up in central NY with a fishing rod, bow, and firearm at my side since age 10. Now I've taught my own sons what it's all about and enjoy every minute with them. I've been lucky in life to do many things, chase many critters, and make a lot of great friendships. Whitetail hunting always humbles me after a successful hunt elsewhere, and I've come to appreciate their cunning with age... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

"Remain in a constant state of positive expectancy, never quit, and above all, have fun."... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

I have been a whitetail hunter since I was 15 years old. My dad was my hunting hero and taught me everything about whitetail hunting. We learned how to hunt in the back country of the Adirondacks with a compass in our pocket and our lunch in our fanny pack..We hunted from daylight driving up river in the dark and went all day hunting then drove back down the river in the dark or stayed in the lean to's if the weather was bad... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

After 18 years as a professional musician, Dave Watson said goodbye to Nashville and embarked on journey to hunt the world on film. Since 1996, Dave has created and produced 7 successful television series including "Secrets of the Hunt", "Cabela's Memories in the Field", "Track and Trail Adventures with Wally Dallenbach" and "Mathews TV with Dave Watson". Whenever anyone asks how he got into the business, Dave responds, "Tom Miranda taught me how to put a show together and keep sponsors happy"... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

I have been hunting since I was 15 years old. It took me until I was 18 before I killed my first deer in the mountains of PA. Living in Ohio for most of my 47 years allowed me to be close to some very good hunting... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

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Lives in W. Bloomfield, NY with his wife Dawn and the youngest of three children. Gary growth up on a farm in rural upstate NY and was exposed to the outdoor sports through his mother. Her family had a deep tradition of hunting, trapping, fishing and a variety of other outdoor activities... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

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I grew up in Michigan on a family owned farm that had a strong influence on me in regards to hunting. Each fall the family would prepare for the up-coming deer season as if it was a holiday. My passion for hunting grew into a lifestyle of hunting big game all around the world, hosting my own hunting show on The Outdoor Channel & The Sportsman Channel and as a pro-hunter for TV Shows, Territories Wild, Whitetail Country, Pro Hunters Journal and Hunt Masters. Currently I am the Hunt Director for Legends Outfitting... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

Self taught, many mistakes. 42 years dedicated, obsessive whitetail hunter. Manages 4600 acres close to home. Addicted to mid-west bow hunting...To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

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Jacksonville native with maternal grandfather's family in Florida long before Statehood. My grandfather had me in the woods, hunting and fishing before I could walk good. Some of my earliest memories are of me walking through the woods with him, hand in hand, or riding on his shoulders. Grew up around the family farm, hunting and fishing the same. I am a "Trophy Life Member" of North American Hunting Club, a Life Member of the NRA and an annual member of the National Wild Turkey Federation... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

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I am one of the most intense and hardcore hunters you will ever meet. My passion for the outdoors kicked in at an early age while hunting with my family in central Minnesota. Throughout high school I could be found in a tree stand before class and dreamed of a way to hunt for a living, there was nothing I enjoyed more... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

I'm a Fire Service Lieutenant in my home town. I have enjoyed hunting for 45 years. The last 6 years exclusively with stick & string. My hunting experiences have taken me as far as the NW territories of British Colombia for Black Bear & Grizzily, down through Colorado for Rocky Mt Elk & Mule Deer. I own a small farm in SW Gerorgia were I have implemented QDM practices... E-mail the new / revised version to |

Chasing mature whitetails is my passion, its like a chess game that is stretched out over several years on each buck.This is the reason i started Buckhorn outfitters in greene county illinois. This business gives me the chance to chase these mature bucks and at the same time help other for fill there dream of harvesting a giant whitetail... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

Born and raised in NW Ohio. I have been ate up with Big Bucks my entire life. I own and operate Treelimb Quivers and Sword Sights... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

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Completely broken and given to Christ... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

I have always had a great love for the outdoors. In fact, I can't remember a time that I wasn't hunting, fishing, trapping, or exploring the wilderness. From an early age, I enjoyed bringing my camera along for the perfect wildlife shot and putting those photograph's together into a story. Having a degree in Biology and teaching a variety of science classes, sharing my outdoor knowledge comes very naturally to me... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

Tony grew up in south-eastern Minnesota where he developed a passion for hunting whitetails. He has turned his love of bowhunting into a career and currently serves as the Equipment Editor for Bowhunter Magazine and Bowhunter TV. In addition to penning a column for Bowhunter, Tony writes for several local, regional and national publications, and also conducts bowhunting seminars across the Midwest... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

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Grew up hunting in WV and have always had a passion for whitetail deer and the bow and arrow since I was really young! My dad took me to Canada on a bear hunt when I was 16 or 17 years old and it flipped a switch in me that let me know there was a big world out there with a whole lot of deer (and other creatures) to chase. Since then I've continued to hunt as much as possible in as many places as possible and strive to get better!... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

Grew up in the Northeast, moved South and never looked back! (A true darn Yankee!) Took my first buck at 30 years of age in the Hill Country of Texas. I have been hooked ever since!... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

"you can borrow mony, but you can't borrow time. Go hunting with your family!" I'm a licensed hunting guide in Arizona and Alaska for AAA Ourdoors specializing in guided Desert Coues Whitetail Hunts...To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

I am a HUNTER! It's not just what I do, it's who I am. My father taught me how to hunt when I was young and hopefully i'll get to pass that on to my children one day as well. I also film hunts for Outdoor Television, filming for Pros like Phillip Vanderpool and Stan Potts... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

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Started deer hunting in 98 when i was 17 years old and shot my first buck that year and i haven't stopped yet and dont plan to for quite some time its amazing with alittle qdm the size and quality of bucks you can have on your hunting land... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

"There is a passion for hunting, something deeply implanted in the human breast." - Charles Dickens ... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

The lazy do not roast any game, but the diligent feed on the riches of the hunt. PROVERBS 12:27 ... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

I joined the Army and deployed to Iraq/Kuwait and Afghanistan in 2009 and 2010. I graduated from the University of Wyoming and currently own a couple bars and a restaurant in Laramie and Cheyenne, Wyoming. I always hunt for deer, antelope, and elk in Wyoming and take one trip a year outside of Wyoming to kill a new type of big game... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

When I was 12 years old in the deer woods with my father I hear my first buck grunt. I immediately immitated him with my mouth, and he ran right to us. From that day on, I have through much trial and error, and great success, perfected the art of mouth calling whitetails. Grunts, Growls, Clicks and snortwheezes are all part of my repertoire, with some other secret tricks as well... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

Lived in Tomball, Texas all my life and graduated Texas A&M University with a degree in Animal Science. I have hunted since I was small growing up on a farm/ranch operation that we income by any other contract work my father and grandfather could find. Have lease hunted most of my adult life and began purchasing out of state hunts for the scenic adventures and large animals I desired. To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

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I started Hunting late in my life at the age 27. I shot my first deer with a bow on Oct 4,1998 it was a small 14pt. I was hooked for life. My passion is bow hunting for whitetail... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

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When luck becomes habit, habit becomes skill... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

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I have enjoyed the sport of hunting since I was a youngster. I have had the opportunity to hunt in most all regions within my home state of TX. We enjoy hunting our family property in the South, TX brush country, but I especially like the challenge of hunting Coues deer and Mule Deer in the Sonoran desert in MX... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

I've been hunting since I was 6 years-old, and began hunting deer in 1987. Killed my first Doe with rifle when I was 8 with my Dad, and my first buck when I was 11. Whitetail hunting is a passion of mine and started to pass on my love of hunting to my 4 year-old daughter... E-mail the new / revised version to |

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Lived in Wyoming, Maryland, Iowa, and Pennsylvania. University of Maryland degree in wildlife management. Wrestled at the university of wyoming two years and three years at Maryland under Pat Santoro. Enjoy bow hunting all over for whitetails and spot and stalk mostly in PA... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

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Drop da Hamma down on em!!!... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

Jim has been an award winning outdoor writer, wildlife photographervideographer, wilderness guide and outfitter for the last two decades. He has exclusive guiding territories on world-renowned Vancouver Island, British Columbia, in the wilds of the Yukon Territory, in the Sonoran Desert of Old Mexico and also in the heart of big whitetail buck country in Saskatchewan. Jim's personal hunting experiences include travel to the remotest, wildest and most beautiful reaches of North America... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

I started bow hunting at the age of 16 . I never had a family member to show me how to be successfull. Every thing i have acomplished has been self taught thrue trial and error. Im quite happy with my accomplishments so far, but i strive to ne better and do gteater things. Whitetails are what i live for. It is my goal to someday have my own guide service in the,midwest. With hard work and the grace of god i feel it will be successfull... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

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Grew up in Western New York. Loved hunting whitetails from the day my Dad introduced them to me. I now like to hunt them in diffreent states offering me the chance at some extremely large whitetails. I am lucky enough to co-own a deer attractant company that allows me to hunt them in two to three different states each year... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

I live in Michigan and love to bow hunt whitetail. I travel to Kansas to bow hunt for a week or so every year. I would like to travel to some other areas to go after the Whitetail Slam. I have three boys and a girl now too. I am looking forward to sharing the experience of hunting with them. I have had my two oldest boys in my double stand with me since they were 2 years old and so far they have done great, and have shown great instincts... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

I have been hunting since i was 10 years old. i love the outdoors. Hunting is my favorite thing to do. i just recently started taking hunting trips with my uncle and friend. i hope that one day i will be able to complete my slam.. wish me luck... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

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Over the years I have spent many hours, days and even weeks pursing wild game. The passion for the outdoors, especially hunting was a gift given to both my brother and I by our father who we owe so much to. Over the years our time spent outdoors as a family has helped shape us into the men we are today... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

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I'm a teacher and website coordinator for Maysville Local Schools. I've been a bowhunting filmmaker and writer for the past 9 years. I've trekked across North America pursuing all sorts of big game with my bow. I host "Stick & String TV" on The Hunting Channel & I have my own series of hunting films on YouTube. You can also watch my whitetail hunts on Mathews Dominant Bucks TV. I'm chasing down my dream to one day be able to educate and entertain my fellow bowhunters at a national level... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

I spend most of my time working to provide for my family as a Directional Driller in the oil and gas industry. Any free time that I have is usually spent hunting or in the outdoors in general. I have always loved to hunt whitetail bucks. But now, having my baby girl with me in the woods, is priceless. I hope that I am able to keep it exciting for her until she reaches that age where she can truly develop into a wonderful person who seeks the outdoors... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

Just let me hunt!... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

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Don't forget the value and freedom we have in the outdoors and most importantly don't forget or take for granted the lessons and values we can all learn and the bond the outdoors can help create between a parent and a child."... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

He'd be a poorer man if he never saw an eagle fly!... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

Hardcore whitetail hunter always looking for an opportunity to expand my range, meet new people, and travel the world... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

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I was all about duck hunting till I started to bow hunt. Now the duck decoys are staying in storage for most the fall. I love hunting new places and the challenges that come with that. Moving to Alaska will give many new places and challenges. I cant wait to add a Blacktail to my list... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

Grew up on a small farm outside of Bloomsburg, PA. There I was introduced to hunting and fishing by my father and two uncles. After serving 6 years in the United States Marine Corp and missing several hunting seasons. Hunting has become an obsession of mine... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |

My grandfather and dad introduced me to hunting very early in life. I enjoyed the time that I would spend with them even if we didn't harvest an animal. My grandfather passed away about 3 years ago and now my true hunting partner is my dad. I pray to make more wonderful memories with my dad and soon with my children. Hunting is not killing an animal. It is the journey that gets you to the kill... To add or update your profile.... E-mail the new / revised version to |